Ive been going to Dermasolutions now for well over 8 years and am proud of what Lisa has been able to do for my skin. She has turned my face from a greasy slice of pizza to a smooth babies butt!! People that i haven't seen for years always are amazed at my face and say that i haven't aged a day since highschool. For all those men out there who are afraid of taking the step and getting a professional medical grade facial are missing out on how potentially great they could look. I took the step years ago when my face was nastey and people would give me weird looks and now people still give me weird looks but only because i make weird faces! haha. But for all the guys and girls out there that have acne, acne scarring, discoloration, in-grown hair, greasy skin, Ginormous pores, pimples growing ontop of pimples (pimples with babies i call them), or just uneven skin texture, you should totally have Lisa or Angel hook you up. They use the best and newest medical grade products, some of the strongest and most effective chemical peels on the market, and have the best extraction methods for removing even the things you didnt even know you had. Do yourself and the community a favor and take care of your skin because walking around all nastey looking is just not cute!!!
Pros: Ambience, Parking, Service, Friendliness, Level of Skin and Product Knowledge, Effectiveness
Cons: Distance ( So far from my house )