Dennis Pharmacy has changed in a profound way and not for the good. The pharmacists (except Jessica) have poor communication skills.. Several times they have told patients that they would fill their chronic pain medications although delayed and then after the patient is down to zero pills from waiting they inform them a week later that they are not going to fill it because the DEA is watching. Really?!? The DEA should ALWAYS be watching because if the DEA was doing their job in the first place, the medical arena would not be in the mess that it is and patients with chronic diseases such as SLE, RA, autoimmune psoriatic arthritis, spinal stenosis, neuropathy from Caisson's disease, MS, etc...would still be able to obtain their medically necessary medications which allow them to continue their emplyoment and not go on disability. There was a time that the phrase ""locally owned and operated"" under Dennis pharmacy actually meant that they were a pharmacy that was involved in the care of the patients and part of the medical team which functioned to help the patient to continue their lives in the face of severe chronic diseases. Unfortunately, that phrase has become as obsolete as the idea that the pharmacy will function as an advocate for chronically ill patients who, in spite of progressive disease continue to work and contribute to the gross national product rather than drain it. These patients are inspiring and deserve to be treated with respect and consideration that is tailored to their individual needs. They do not merit abrasive, accusatory, obnoxious, and/or condescending ""service"". The number of dissatified and annoyed patients regarding their overall feelings of mistreatment have increased over the years. if you need an antibiotic for something then sure, Dennis can do that with a smile, but any pharmacy can do that. If you have a severe chronic illness that you need daily medicaiton to enable you to continue your life without being disabled with pain, go the 90 day mail-order route and avoid the negativity. As clarification, other pharmacies have similar problems but this is a review of the aforementioned one.