Welcome to Dennis Lumber and Concrete Company. We have been supplying and servicing the Tri-State area for 50 years, with quality building materials. Our central office, hardware store and lumber yard are located on Rt. 40 at the Flat Rock Rd. intersection in Markleysburg. We also have Ready-Mix plants at both Hopwood and Hazelton, WV, as well as a block yard in Hopwood. From the footer up, we carry the tools, block, lumber, and hardware to get the job done. Our capacity ranges from the smallest do-it-yourself project to large commercial, industrial, and Penn-DOT certified highway projects. With the overwhelming majority of our staff employed for over 10+ years, we have the experience, knowledge, and professionalism to get your project done. We have a strong commitment to Honesty, Integrity, and Quality. Our goal is to meet and exceed your expectations.
We are now a proud distributor of the Amvic ICF system. We are offering a complete package deal. It consists of all the concrete from the footer to the walls, and any associated sidewalks or driveway, including pumping. It also includes all the rebar needed, ICFs, and delivery of everything in the package. Every package is custom made for your specific project. Please stop in and see us for more information on your specific needs.. We manufacture ready-mix concrete,pre-cast septic tanks,and misc. other precast items and we wholesale True*Serve Hardware,concrete masonry blocks,a complete line of reinforced concrete necessities and masonry tools and supplies,and pressure treated and framing lumber. We have a complete line of ready-mix concrete designs to choose from,footers,sidewalks,floors,and driveways,to custom mixes for; integral colors for stamped concrete and anything else you way need. Our capacity ranges from the smallest do-it-yourself project to large commercial,industrial,and Penn-DOT certified highway projects.
We are proud to offer high quality concrete to meet any needs you may have. From state certified,custom mix designs,colored concrete,standard mixes,and all of the curing & sealing chemicals,we are fully capable and ready to handle all your needs.
With all the common sizes and a full array of specialty block,we can assist you in succeeding with any project.
We manufacture 500 gal. and 1000 gal. tanks (single/ dual compartment),distribution boxes,risers,lids and any piping or accessories you may need.
We stock a full line of rebar,rewire,rebar chairs,expansion joint,key way,anchor bolts,and many other concrete related items.
We carry a wide selection of nuts,bolts,nails,screws,and many much needed odds and ends for your project.