. Why would you put in my Divorce Papers, that I could never demand alimony or retirement money? You charged me $22,000, I did not get any cash settlement from a Dentist who made $250,000 a year for over 10 years of our marriage. Funny you never sued me for the remaining balance of $14,000, I owe more than my home is worth. I have been on vacation one time in ten years, someone paid most of the expense. I have had my electric turned off at the coldest time and been hungry. I am so sorry, I listened to my Daughter and you to continue with the divorce. I have nothing, when I married Paul Vidziunas, I had a home that was cute and paid off. I gave Paul, $50,000 toward our new home shared together. I really depended on you and believed you, you really let me down. Linda V.