i was locked up in DBC 3 katy hockley and witnessed some strange things. yes it was hard on some kids (mentaly) a few had permanent lumps on their heads from beating their heads against the wall. their solution was hand cuffing and shaculing them to a concrete slab in temperary confignment. the also were wearing a motorcycle helmet to prevent further injury to themselves. this may have been necessary for the ones who defacated on their breakfast tray, but i dont see it helping trainees with mental instabilities. dont get me wrong some people need jail, some a beating, or some death. and its not a child abuse thing iether. the government is out of line and this juvinille GITMO is a perfect axample, along with curupt cops, judges, presidents, ect. JUST ASK YOURSELF THIS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN THE ELECTRICITY GOES OUT? (pull up my record and write me a ticket...good luck with that!!!)