Beware the "day in - day out" charges. Their website is a bit vague about this, suggesting that the "day" is a 24 hour clock from dropoff time. It's not. If your dog is there at any point during the day, it's a full day charge. So, hypothetically, if you dropped off at 11:59 p.m. and picked up 2 minutes later at 12:01 a.m., you pay for two days of boarding. I think this policy is a bit harsh but what really frosts me is that they are closed on Sundays -- the day when most owners would pick up their pets after a weekend getaway. Thus, if you take a weekend trip, you're forced to pay for four days of boarding - Friday (when you dropoff), Saturday, Sunday (because they're closed), and Monday (when you pickup). I know everyone's entitled to their day off from work, but closing Sunday seems to me to be a money grab to force people to keep their pets at the kennel for an extra day. Makes me feel like Delmyra is taking advantage of me by closing on a day that would likely be the highest amount of pick-ups of pets. Then, when you consider that the website could be much clearer about their pricing policy and that you are charged a full day for any portion of the day that your pet is present, as opposed to calling it a "day in - day out" policy, I came away with the feeling that I was intentionally mislead about the charges and then was forced to pay for an extra day that I did not want or require. Not to mention being inconvenienced by having to take time off of work on Monday to pick up my pet because I could not get him on Sunday.