I have pay day loan debt from 2 years ago. DK&A has claimed they have been trying to reach me via mail. NOT TRUE. I've moved once, but not knowing they were handling my account. I recieved a call this year (2009) regarding my account. I made an agreement to make a payment in which i did. They are not willing to accept any offer you give them. They want it all or tell you what they want and when to pay. Well after my initial payment a rep was to call to set up another payment. I took ill for a couple months & was not able to handle my financial affairs. This rep spoke to several of my family members regarding my account. He gave them the amount I owed, its pending legal matters, account number, etc. I was furious. Then I called finally to make a nother pymnt arrangement and the rep tries to belittle me. I am filing a complaint against him and the company. This type of service has to stop.
Cons: They will discuss your account to unauthorized people