The Dean Team is one of the only car dealerships that sells Volkswagens even vaguely near where I live. So, when my family decided to buy a Volkswagen Jetta, this was the car dealership we picked. Problem is, much of the service we required after buying the car had to be done at this dealership. (And the Jetta, while a desperately fun car, is not an overly reliable performer.) Unfortunately, every other Volkswagen owner in a fifteen mile radius or so was in the same dilemma. Between the crush of service requests and a very limited repair shop schedule (about 8-4, no weekends), it always took about three weeks to get anything done: a week to get in to get the car looked at, a week to order the necessary part, and a week to get the car back in after the part arrived to get it installed. This is something to consider when buying from the Dean Team.