This store is a unique place. It carries a true hodgepodge of items, from food to kitchen wares to school supplies to personal care products to get the picture. So what makes it different from a department store?
You never know what you'll find when you go. The stuff that's here is here because it was liquidated or overstocked or damaged or expired or whatever. You'll find overstock items from Target or Eddie Bauer next to generic label items. It's a great place to buy gourmet or "natural" food products (often with plenty of shelf life remaining). At Haggen you'd pay $2.50 for a jar of gourmet Deals Only it will be 69 cents. This makes it easy to try new brands or even new kinds of food for the first time, with little risk.
Caution 1: not everything in the store is a "deal." Some items can be had for less money elsewhere.
Caution 2: some things (I'm thinking of food items here) deserved to be liquidated because they are plain nasty. They failed on the supermarket shelf for a good reason. Low carb breakfast cereal comes to mind.