This place, by far, is the WORST headshop ever! The quality of the glass is bad, to say the least. Everything cheap knock off Chinese glass. Does not have a single name brand glass piece or waterpipe ( I personally own PHX & Roor glass so I think I know quality when I see it). His metal grinders look like a kid in metal shop made them. But the biggest slap in the face is the prices! Even though his glass is knock off, its priced like name brand! I recently was forced to stop in for 1.5"" x 1.5"" baggies. online I buy 1000 for $9.99 plus shipping ($5). I got the privilege of paying 15.99 for only 100 the same EXACT bags! Do not shop here! Go to Northern Lights in Albany, NY or A Kind Place in Bennington, VT.