I am born and raised in San RAMON.I've taken many cabs. i tried pretty much every cab co. The only reason i am writing this is because of the negative reviews i have read, which is not fair. I want people to know that Desoto is a great cab co. and the reviews that people have written are complaints, which they probably had one bad experience and want to put the company down. If you become a regular. you will see better service and like i said about the airport. Call the day before tell them that you need a cab the next day for the airport, sfo, oak, sjc, and tell them the time that which you want the driver to arrive. Not only will they be there on time, they have the nicest cabs in the city. If you take cabs regularly and have not tried Desoto, give them a chance and see for your self. What do you have to lose? Just give them a try to see for yourselves.