A well-known cafe in Arcata is the Day Break Cafe.
I discovered it while at the local university, and gotta say it's unique!
Day Break is a very small restaurant. In fact, a lot of times, people are standing around waiting, or sitting at the bar, until diners slowly leave their tables. (The wait service is very friendly, and work as quickly as they can, but this place is popular!). One of the many unique aspects of this restaurant is they try to use as many organic products as possible. They try to feed their patrons with food from their own soil, but also compost the food wastes, to stay in balance with the environment.
What are my favorite foods on the menu? Most definately the chicken-apple sausage. I had never had that before dining at the Day Break Cafe, and now it's something I try to buy every time I shop at Whole Foods or Trader Joes. The stuff might sound wierd, but it is to die for! I also suggest their home-fried potatoes. Good stuff!
And if you're a vegan, this place will make your Thanksgiving special with a tofu turkey! I've never had it, but I hear it's great.
Oh.. This might seem odd, but while you're there, check out the bathroom. It's a single room for all guests, but it's really charming.
http://www.humboldtdining.com/daybreakcafe/ Make sure to check out their menu!