I was going crazy trying to find a good place for passport photos. I needed it with European dimensions and knew going to places like CVS or Wal-Mart wasn't going to work, so I ended up at a place recommended by the Consulate.. just to spend $27 on 4 THE WORST pictures ever :( No offense to the guy who took care of me - he was really nice, allowed few re-takes, let me choose the ""best"" one.. but still, the color quality, the lighting, it was horrible! I refused to settle and renewed my search. That's how I found DAVID. Guys, I swear, visit to his studio was THE BEST experience in picture taking of my life. His studio is so nice, so private. There is no one rushing you. You make an appointment and it's just you, him and the camera. Not to mention what a great guys he is! So pleasant, so welcoming and what a TALENT! I simply can't say enough about that place and I will DEFINITELLY be back again soon. I highly recommend it to all of you looking for a great photographer.