I'm so glad that over a dozen years ago, I chose Dr. Hidalgo to re-do my impants. They look just as good or maybe even better now than when he first did them (and this after breast-feeding my 5 year old for 2 years).
I'd had my first implants done a few years before by a doctor in Los Angeles who had taken it upon himself to use a larger implant than what I had asked for.
His explanation was, (not surprising as we're talking about L.A. here) ""everybody always comes back to me wanting to go bigger."" What an ass. He also couldn't have been more wrong in my case. So I spent the next few years feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable.
I had also been unhappy with the results of past lipo, performed by yet another unsatisfactory dr.
I wanted to minimize v minor saddlebags. But I had not one bit of cellulite anywhere, and my butt was pretty good. I ended up with slightly lumpy upper/outer thighs and a saggy butt since he chose to do me the ""favor"" of extending his substandard lipo to those areas as well.
I finally decided to do something about it and I researched quite a bit.
I would have to admit to being a perfectionist and after my previous experiences, Knowing that many doctors have p.r. firms on their payroll (beware the ""society"" plastic surgeon and I won't even mention those with advertising everywhere) and wary of choosing the wrong dr. again, I was especially assiduous.
I was consistently hearing and reading great things about Dr. Hidalgo that seemed very genuine and sincere. I can only add more praise.
Dr. Hidalgo gave me exactly what I wanted and was even able to improve the scar on my breast from my 1st surgery.
He sort of talked me out of doing lipo too, saying the improvements might not be worth the expense, etc.
He and his entire staff, could not have been more sensitive and caring. From the start and throughout the entire experience I was put at ease by the atmosphere of competence and experience in their office, and operating room.
Now I've decided to go ahead and try to fix the lipo anyway, since it still bugs me to this day. Unless Dr. Hidalgo told me to, I wouldn't trust anyone but him to do it.
It's been my experience that whether you are talking about doctors or plumbers, it breaks down into there being a few bad ones, even fewer really good ones and the rest are pretty much mediocre.
I can't recommend Dr. Hidalgo enough and I'm looking forward to my next procedure with him!