I am very disappointed in this school system's pre-K.
The teachers in my daughter's classroom dress as if they are going out to dinner, NOT teaching young children. I am talking about 3 inch and above high heels, fancy dresses, full makeup, the works. I never see ANY of them down on the floor playing with the children.
Teachers of young children should not wear heels as these 2-5 year olds are down on the floor playing--very easy to step on a child's hand. This is not a beauty contest. Wear comfortable clothing so you can actually do your jobs.
Make time each day to speak to the parents. They do have concerns and would like input on their child.
I have seen them talking to each other and ignoring the children. Talking to visitors. Talking to people in the office. On the phone. Very unprofessional. The children are the ones who suffer from all of this.