As soon as you open the door, you are greeted by the smell of the freshly made waffle cones. Then you see the coolers filled with all different types of delicious ice cream. They have a lot more than your standard chocolate and vanilla. Their chocolate chip cookie dough is delicious! It has really large chunks of cookie dough. I also like their birthday cake. It has sprinkles and icing and cake mixed into the vailla ice cream. By far, my favorite, is the reverse chip. It's chocolate ice cream with white chocolate chips. It's amazing!! They also have some great sorbets that are perfect on a hot summer evening. Unfortuantely, especially during the summer, it can get really crowded with the line going out the door. Also, since they can make more flavors than they have space to hold them, some of the more unique flavors, like reverse chip, aren't always available.