We purchased a maltise/yorkie mix born on 7/10/08 from this puppy mill. Within a month of him being home he started getting ill. When I called there, a number of times, a woman who was VERY nasty would never let me speak with Dan. Needless to say, our little full grown 7 pound morkie had to be put to sleep on 2/28/12. We had him to a neurologist in Rochster many times, numerous vet visits and not to mention the extreme cost, they could not find what was wrong, nor could they save him. He should have had many more tomorrows than yesterdays. Every vet we had him to, as well as in speaking with other pet owners, have had nothing but medical problems with the dogs from Dan's Kennels. PLEASE do not support this as it is TRULY inhumane to the dogs. If all join together and do not purchase pets from him, he eventually will go out of business. If you love and want a dog, please, stay away and contact the BBB