This is the first review of anything i've ever written. Nothing about this story is exaggerated. \r
I walked into Danny's because my old watch repair shop I had always gone to had closed down. I had my grandfather's old movado watch with me- extreme sentimental and general value. I told Danny that it was a special watch, and he waved his hand dismissively at me. I decided I didnt feel right about having him repair my watch... something just didnt feel right. I asked Danny politely for my watch back. He demanded to know why, and i told him that i had just remembered another watch repair shop closer to my house. THEN HE REFUSED TO GIVE ME THE WATCH BACK! no joke. he flat said, ""No, I will do it."" I said, ""i understand that times are hard these days, and I wish you could give you my business, but this watch is very important to me and I need you to give it back to me."" Danny bellowed ""NO! you stupid girl, I already looked at it for you, that means I need money from you!"" I said, ""Do not talk to me like that, and please hand me my watch."" He ignored my like a child and said a curse word under his breath. I told him that if he didnt give me my family heirloom back immediately, I would be calling the police. He waved his fist in my face and said ""call the police then! Stupid girl!"" \r
So I did. The police showed up as I was crying and Danny was still muttering mean things to me. They got me my watch back and they stayed to further interview Danny about his verbally abusive attitude and keeping my property against my will. \r
Pros: nothing!
Cons: danny's attitude, horrible service