Mr. wheatly is very nice and understanding. He has helped me get out of a very unhealthy relationship, and encoureged me to go back and get my diploma. I am even going to eastfield to get my assosiates digree in journalism. I want to wirte for the dallas observer. He has let me slide on a coupple of missed or lat appointments, and i always thought probation was like you know, don't tell your p.o. nothing and act like your perfect, but he's nothing like i exspected. He's really cool, but he doesn't take any BS ethier. Mr. wheatley, you rock! Thank you for changing my prespective on this hole probation thing, I now see it as an oppertuinity to turn my life around and become a better person.\r
Mindi Koonce
Pros: 2 thumbs up
Cons: 2 thumbs up