Dakine Hands Acupuncture has been inspired to be amazing because of the patients who have needed and requested help. Most of my patients live an active lifestyle and will do anything to maintain this, even suffer with pain. Patients come to me for a wide variety of problems from injuries to maintaining a healthy body. Some patients enjoy facial rejuvenation preventing them from using botox and surgeries while others are looking for nutritional and exercise tips to keep them in their best shape. No matter what shape your in, it's never too early or late. My goal is to help my patients live a healthy, happy lifestyle pain free, full of energy, bringing out a radiant and healthy glow of vitality.
Sports Medicine; acute or reoccurring injuries, Anti-Aging body rejuvenation, Weight management, Detoxification, Facial Rejuvenation, Woman's health, Immune support, tai qi and qi gong exercises.