500 Washington St., Weymouth, MA 02188 - just to give an example of what I go thru, I'll start with the most recent episode. I just had surgery, so last night my mother helped me out and put in a prescription for my grandson. It said it needed dr's approval. So she asked if there as a new on on hold... they said no. So I called and told them to look again... there was. But, there were not pills available for an entire fill, I would have to wait two days. I asked why more weren't reordered by the clerk that used the last of them. They didn't know. So I told them I would pick up the other one this morning. It wasn't filled. So I had to demand that it be filled, I wasn't coming back in an hour. So they asked if I would ride around the building. I did. I've road around that building 30 - 35 times in the past two years. Every month I sweat when I have to go there. Nothing is ever done correct... it takes 4-5 phone calls and a demand when I get there. Horrible experiences!