So far, bad experience. I was the custodial parent of my son during his first four years. Now as of last summer I have full custody. I filed for child support back in September of 2005. I've called at least 5 times since them, but still no one gets back to me. It is very hard to take a whole day off and go down there, especially when I was already down there once before. The one time I called and the person I spoke to, which was not my advisor, told me he didn't understand why my case hasn't been processed yet. He also went on to confirm that I was owed at least 4 years of child support. He then put me through to my advisor and she didn't answer, I left a message for her to get a hold of me. It's been six months and still no call. I wonder if the roles were reversed and I owed a female child support, how fast they would take my money out. I know two females that filed for child support in the last 3 years, each of them now receive checks. Maybe men and women are not equal when it comes to taking care children, maybe the county is a bit prejudice. I may never know. But one thing is for sure, my next day off they will see me again and this time I will be heard.
Pros: Great music on hold.
Cons: Speed, care, and devotion to handle this professionally.