I have been to Cutshaw several times now, and always had a positive experience. However, I recently brought my car in to get an estimate on how much it would cost to repair my AC for an open insurance claim. They were very busy when I dropped my vehicle off Tuesday... So by Wednesday afternoon, I still hadn't heard back I had to call and find out that my car was ready to be picked up. Upon picking up my car, one of the employees was very rude and blatantly stared at my chest. Yes, it was 95 degrees out and my dress was low cut, but I called him out on it and he still did not make eye contact with me and he made me feel very uncomfortable. Also, they told me they could not fix my vehicle, that I needed to take it elsewhere for repairs -which is fine... But what they did tell me was wrong with my vehicle was damage I already knew about... No information on why my AC isn't properly working. So I was charged $90 to be told about damages I already knew about and no information about the whole reason I was there - my AC...I understand it costs money to run the test, but if the results only reveal problems I already knew about and nothing about the reason I'm there - then what the funk? I will not be back anytime soon, which is a shame because like I said the past experiences have been fantastic - but I left here Wednesday feeling objectified and robbed.