Curves is the largest fitness franchise in the world with over 9,000 locations worldwide. Curves Clubs can be found in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, The Caribbean, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and we're still growing.
Curves is the first fitness and weight loss facility dedicated to providing affordable, one-stop exercise and nutritional information for women.
Only one place can give you the strength of over 4 million women...
Can you spend 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, to improve your quality of life?
Would you rather exercise in an nvironmentdesigned especially for women?
Would encouragement from other women help you reach your fitness goals?
Have you tried or considered other fitness clubs and just never found one that felt right for you?
Have you ever wished for a fitness program that was "doable" and fun? I have been here and no matter what age or size you are - you'll fit in!