Disappointingly, I was told that I needed a new part (expensive). Got a second opinion, just a standard course of action. Did not need that repair, as it turned out. This made me mad, so I got even a third opinion, to make sure. Not sure who was "in on" all that at Curtis. Do the owners know about this? What advantage would the mechanic have to lying?\r
Most people just get the repairs and never find out if there has been a misrepresentation, never get a second opinion. So you could probably do this a lot, and still have people think you're great. I'm not saying that they have done this to others, maybe it was just that one time, on that one day (although this seems doubtful). But I can say for a fact, that I was told I needed a repair, that I did not need.\r
I notice that their parking lot is usually pretty empty. The mechanic I go to now, his lot is always jammed. I think that tells you something.