Cunningham Moving and Storage:\r
Deal with this Company at your own risk!\r
We recently asked Cunningham Moving and Storage to take out of storage and deliver to us at a local address a number of items of office and home furnishings that we had stored with them over the last few months.\r
What we were delivered, in turn, was nothing but shattered or destroyed furniture and other personal effects. It even appeared that our articles of furniture may have either been vandalized or were purposely damaged beyond repair, as there were steel file cabinets that were bent or torqued completely out of shape as to be totally unusable; a 100 year-old dresser that was shattered into splinters; deep gouges and scratches into wood surfaces, and drawers ripper out of its frame, from a solid wood, office desk and credenza set; three legs completely severed from a large coffee table (and not returned); and most surprising, a 5-6"" slash through a family treasured, 3' x 5' original oil painting on canvas, where it looked liked someone had taken a knife to the canvas in order to purposely vandalize or destroy it.\r
When confronted with all this damage, Cunningham's only reply was to tell us to submit a claim that they would give to their insurance company. We quickly submitted a detailed three-page claim, and after about a month, their insurance company responded with a $300 suggested re-imbursement settlement for all of our damage goods. We totally rejected that re-imbursement suggestion, and in turn, went to our own insurance company instead, submitted the exact same claim that was submitted to Cunningham; and shortly received instead a 5-figure, cash settlement for all the damage done to our goods by Cunningham.\r
In my opinion, anyone who does business with these people should have their head examined.