I heard about you and Dr. Cunning on the radio and I called to see if what you were saying was correct.
First, they made an appointment right away. I then learned that they were in my insurance plan. So far so good. Today was my first visit. To begin, the lady up front was wonderful. She called me by my name, she made me feel welcome. Next I went in for the x-rays. What a wonderful woman. She says she took your x-rays. She made me relax, she talked to ME. That blew me away. We laughed and joked.
I thought, this is not so bad.
Next I met with Dr. Pete. Again I was a person to him. He was kind and sweet. I told him my past history and what the last dentist had found. He looked at the x-rays and said, he agreed. Then he said, ""May I look in your mouth?"" He asked me if he could. Never has anyone shown me respect like that. I became insecure and he smiled and said, ""I am not here to judge."" Wow that blew me away. He went on to tell me about my teeth, he had a mirror and he showed me things no one had ever told me. It turns out that all these years I have brushed too hard and no one told me. It turns out that all these years I have brushed hard and damaged my gums, so we talked about that. He cared for ME the PERSON.
Then if this was not enough, he explained everything we were going to do and gave me items to begin using now to heal my mouth and prepare me for the deep cleaning. I almost began to cry. No one has ever given me this kind of care and it made me feel okay about myself. Now I understand we can not reverse all the damage, but we can heal some of it and prevent more from happening. I was there for an hour and a half.
I can not begin to thank you enough. I have hope and I feel good about what I will be going through. I am not afraid anymore. Last they walked me to the door and thanked me for coming. Wow. What kind, caring people. I look forward to going back. I never thought I would say that about a dentist.