Last year, my husband needed a back adjustment. He had chronic back pain and his chiropractor was out of business.\r
Stephen's back had been fine for about a year and then all of the sudden, it flared up.\r
In desparation, my husband went driving down the street and stopped at the first sign that said ""Chiropractic"" on it and went inside begging to be adjusted. \r
After the first visit, he came home saying that it didn't help and that he was told to come back in the following day. \r
The next day, I went with him to check this doctor out. \r
I can't be sure, but he was acting like he was drunk. I am not saying that he was ... that's just how he was acting. Who knows, this is the first time that I have met the man, he might just act that way all the time. ...\r
Anyway, he rambled on and on about how his life could have been better than it was. How he didn't get the practice of a lifetime (being shafted out of the opportunity) and then proceeded to name drop, talking about some ball player that he knew. \r
Anyway, he spent much of his time (and our dollar) chatting/slurring. He didn't pay my husband much attention at all and by the time we got home, my husband couldn't move at all, opting to lay on the floor and moan. \r
After talking to a few people, a friend reccomended me to Lighthouse Chiropractic. We have been with Dr. Kathy ever since and are thrilled with the work that she does. Don't get me wrong. I don't mind chatting with the doctor, but Dr. Crumpler took it to a whole new level! \r
I certainly don't recommend this doctor to anyone and caution to existing patients, you owe it to yourselves to try someone new, just see what you are missing.