Kevin Hinman...Owner of Cruiser Haven & Holland Riverside Marina's, and his wife Sean Hinman, are, BY FAR, the shadiest people I have ever met. Most, if not all, of their business practices are questionable, to say the least. Kevin's own statement on YELP, ""Old enough to remember what things were like before rules were gradually instituted to RULE everything..."" shows that he believes he is above the law which is why he & his wife feel they have the right to place false charges on their berthers accounts; place false & illegal liens on countless boats at their marina's; not obtain permits for ANY & ALL building and/or improvements they have done at either marina; misclassify their employee's and pay them less then minimum wage, (or not pay them at all); harrass & threaten anyone who tries to go against them...for any reason; Lie about who they really are and not make good on any promises that they make. PROCEED WITH CAUTION when entering into any agreement or contract with these people because you will most likely be very sorry that you ever did!!!