The toll free Phone is 800-944-7019 or 508-427-7740, the listing has an old number. CRTRecycling Inc. recycles ALL Electronics & Appliances across New England. Items are either dropped off in Brockton, MA or collected by CRTRecycling's trucks through municipality curbside programs, transfer stations, Schools, Businesses and of course The Electronic Waste Collection Day Event Fundraisers that CRTRecycling sponsors for schools & non-prodfit organizations. for more info just call today! Don't forget your hard drives. CRTRecycling has an on-site shredder to insure that no one will ever get at your private information or correspondance. Excepting hard drives, CRTRecycling advocates REUSE above all! Items that cannot be reused as a whole or for parts are disassembled, seperated, labeled and properly packaged for resale as commodities.