""No guarantee of a non smoking room"" is what we were told AFTER we paid and checked in. We non smokers suffered a miserable night of breathing through our mouths until they could find us an available room to change over to. This of course, was AFTER, I insisted that a manager help us. And when we were promised to move the next day for sure, we called up that next morning to ask them when this would happen, they pretended they had no clue of why we needed a room change. AARRGGH! Also, they add $8 per day to your stay to defer costs involved with things you may or may not partake in, such as: swimming pool usage, reading their newspaper, drinking the bottled water in the room (we had left those alone; but regretted doing that after we learned we were paying for it anyway)., etc, etc.
Pros: Plenty of parking
Cons: Lumpy beds, a Conceirge who doesn't start her shift until 9 a.m. each morning!