I called Crown today at 1:00 p.m. to see if someone could come out and give me an estimate on my broken garage door. I was told that someone would be at my house in the next couple of hours. The cables on both sides of my heavy hurricane garage door came off of the track preventing me from being able to open it. I was totally shocked when Matt arrived at my house at 2:00 p.m. sharp (exactly 1 hour after I initially called). He shook my hand, went into my garage and told me right away what he saw and how much it would cost. I couldn’t believe how low the cost was in comparison to past experiences. Once he removed a couple of parts that were causing the problem, he took new parts and showed me the exact problem by doing a side-by-side comparison. He also told me to buy a can of silicone spray, for preventative maintenance purposes, telling me to spray the hinges every 2 months. Matt then gave me a sticker with the company name and phone number and told me to call him if I had any problems. I highly recommend this company 100% and if he’s available, be sure to ask for Matt.