For several years, I was a fat, drunken slob. My idea of a work-out was to stumble into my worthless gym, sit on a stationary bike without pedaling to watch SportsCenter highlights, then sit in the steam room to smooth out my paralyzing hangover. What a mess!! Now, I've known Eddie, as a friend, for several years, and known that he was quite successful as a personal trainer, but never thought that a more focused regimen was for me, but my life and health was spiraling out of control, so I approached Eddie as a potential client. First of all, I have to say how impressed is was, from the get-go, with how professional Eddie takes his line of work. He was patient and understanding, but, at the same time, determined and enthusiastic for my eventual success. He custom-tailored an exercise regimen that wasn't discouraging and, shockingly, produced positive results instantaneously. Positive remarks about my new appearance are daily. Also, Eddie maintains that sense of humor and easy-going style that I've always known and admired from him. He doesn't modify himself in the gym environment into some intense drill instructor- type bonehead that his lesser-than competitors seem to fall into. What you see is what you get.... and it's pretty cool! Nowadays, I have been out of town and away from Eddie's instruction. I have applied several of his programs into my own personal weight-training program, but I cannot wait to get back in Eddie's gym when I return home to Santa Monica. You'd be a damned fool if you didn't do the same. Eddie Vincent is destined for great things in the field of health and self-empowerment, no doubt....