Cricket is a non-starter. Their plans suck, their phones suck and they lie to their teeth about it. They will send you on a wild goose chase from one store to another and then when you finally think you are at the right store, then they tell you sorry, we can't help you with that, call Cricket's 800 number. Well doofus, am I not at a Cricket outlet where you are suppose to help me and when I did call the Cricket 800 number, they told me I had to come to your store. Cricket sucks and if you are thinking about becoming a Cricket user expect that you will be screwed with problems with the phone like I have had from day 1 and you will not be able to contact customer service because there are no representatives to answer and when you do get a rep, they will lie to you or not know what to tell you or the indian accent is so thick you won't be able to understand them anyway. Do yourself a favor, don't use Cricket. They really really suck.