After arriving into Philadelphia International Airport at 1:30 am due to flight delays all afternoon and evening at PHL, I decided to take a cab. I hopped into the first open taxi, a mini van operated by Crescent Cab. Without consulting me, the driver stopped at the next taxi stand in the terminal, asking if anyone else was going downtown. A man responded and he ended getting into the cab with me. I was too tired to say anything. I had preferred to ride home alone, but figured that at least me and the other gentlemen would now save on our cab fare since the stated taxi rates are $28.50 flat rate into Center City plus $1 for each additional passenger. When we arrived at my building, the cabbie proceeded to tell me that I owed him $29. When I protested, citing the policy about shared cabs; he began to berate me about the fact that I would never have gotten home at this hour without him, that he had been working 13 hours already, etc. I tried to tell him that my not wanting to pay $29 had nothing to do with his decision to work a long day. I decided to speak to the other passenger in the car to warn him that the cabbie was going to try to charge him $29 as well. At this point the cabbie got even more irate and began to yell at me, asking me how much I was going to pay him - $10??? Because that was the type of person I was, that I didn't care, etc. He also insulted me and asked if I was trying to ask the other passenger out on a date because I was stopping to speak to him.
Pros: He drove fast?
Cons: Rude, cheating driver that yelled at me