When my dog, Beauty, of seventeen years passed away I was heartbroken. I was looking for a place that would take good care of her during the cremation process. I didn't want her to have to sit around for days in a freezer waiting. I spoke to Sharon, from Creekside Pet Crematory on the phone and she was very kind and helpful. They took her in that day and told me I could have her remains back that day as well. Their prices were very reasonable and better than any of the other 10 or 15 places in NJ, NY, and PA that I called. When we took Beauty there, I was pleased to meet Sharon's son Chad who walked me through the process. He was very kind and patient while I said my goodbyes. The facility was very clean and I was asked if I wanted to be present(I declined). Within two hours they were finished. I was very thankful for their services.