We have a couple of greyhounds that have turned out to be kind of high needs. In addition to their regular vaccinations and routine care, both of them have gotten sick -- one so badly that she needed to be "hospitalized." I didn't have any concerns about leaving her at Creature Comforts, I knew that she'd get excellent care.
I've been satisfied with every vet that we've seen there. Our dogs seem to trust them and I'm confident that they know what they are doing.
My concern is that they're willing to try intervention too rapidly, which can cause the cost to skyrocket. In one instance it turned out to be lucky because if my dog hadn't gotten rehydrated she would have died. However, the other dog got a growth that the vet was concerned was tumor. She wanted to put him under general anesthetic, remove it, and then send it to a lab to be checked for cancer. All of this would have been astronomically expensive, especially considering that we decided to wait and it went away on its own. As with anything, don't get talked into something unless you're convinced you're getting your money's worth!