The previous comments showing a highly rated facility are pre management change. Creative World is no longer a safe place for your child.
The security codes are worthless when the school announces your personal code out loud in a crowded lobby. I now know the names of six children who I have never met before today, and the security code that is associated with that child. I was directed to the wrong classroom this morning and told to drop off my 4 year old. Thank goodness I stayed a moment with her and realized that I was sent to the room that holds the kids that they are putting onto a school bus! Then I discovered that the teacher we met at orientation no longer works there. They have moved one of the assistants of another class to teach this class, by herself. There are 11 kids in this class. Annnd, while I was there a child walked out of both security doors, by herself and was found by another set of parents in the parking lot. The school didn't even realize that they had lost a child! I was never asked to provide identification when dropping off, or picking up.
And at pick up they couldn't tell me where to find my child. I had to search for her. The first thing my daughter tells me is that her teacher got mad at her for crying for me after I dropped her off.
I spoke to some other parents this afternoon. They all had issues that are concerning. I'm not taking my daughter back.
These aren't the only issues that I experienced today either, there are more...