This is the most unprofessional creapy business there could be. Jerry Schiderman is this big Java the Hut creepy guy with his slimmy side kick Burt. They have no clue as to what they are doing and hence try every sneaky way to get around any regulation. The place should be renamed Sneaky Envirnoments. Working there is a train wreck. It is in possible to get anything done because they don't know what direction they are moving in. You'll find that Jerry surrounds himself with incompetant people to make him look good...any one who could do something would leave that place. If you are considereing working there, be prepared to lie about most of your business activities. If you are thinking of investing with this company, you might as well throw your money away. There is no management and hence everything drags on forever. I recommend staying far and clear of this place.
Cons: all