We are new to creative ej and started out at a different music studio and not sure if we made a good decision switching. There's people who have been there for a long time and they seem to love it but we havent' made our minds up yet. We like the instructors alot but the owners are not always pleasant to deal with. Had some scheduling problems and owners weren't nice about it. Rates are a little high for a month of tuition and no make ups are offered on holidays. The studio is nice and it has a lot of equipment for different kinds of music. There's a recording studio if you want to pay to record your own CD but I don't know what that costs expect its alot. If I had to rate the studio by itself I would give the place 4 stars despite the owners' lack of business skills but this weekend's music recital or showcase as creative ej calls it left my family very disappointed. There were several showcases over the weekend for the students to play in. Instead of getting a mix of performances in each showcase there was a bands only showcase, general showcase and a drums only showcase. Some of the kids came unprepared which I don't think is their fault but more the organizers fault. One kid came without piano sheet music and the poor girl had problems remembering what she was supposed to play. And my Mom mentioned that someone should have turned the pages while the piano players performed so they wouldn't have to stop playing and restart once the page was turned. That should have been avoided if they were prepared. What bugged us the most was that several instructors played at the showcase. Was this a showcase for students or concert for instructors? We weren't sure. One kid and his band played 4 songs in one showcase all at once. They played first and I just found out the kids mom is an instructor so do they get preference treatment????? The kid left immediately after they played and we thought that was rude. They should have broken the songs up for that many songs or cut it back to 2. Then an instructor played a few songs