Apparently Createscape is doing so well as a busniess they do not require new customers to bolster their organization! \r
The customer-NO-service motto should be emblazened on their webpage. Missy, the owner of the company, talks a good talk, but fails to follow through on any of her promises. She came to my house on 4/9/07 to review a medium-sized job. Promised me a quote in 2 weeks. She left with a copy of my plans and that was the last I saw or heard from her again! I called 4 times over the 2 month period. Never were my calls returned. At one point, I was given the extreme thrill of having the illustrious and amazing MISSY actually answer her own business line! Needless to say, she was rude, short, and actually ticked off at me because I wanted my quote. She told me she would have it sent out over the weekend. That was now 3 WEEKS ago. Don't bother with this company. Rumor has it they are over-priced anyhow. Clearly, they don't need the business or a postive reputation. My young daughters have more business sense than this gal!
Cons: There are no pros!