Crazy 88 is not a typical martial arts school. You're not going to find 25 different martial arts being taught. The focus is on 3 main 'styles' = brazilian jiu-jitsu & no gi grappling, mixed martial arts, and muay thai kickboxing. This is not because other styles are not important but to be really great at something, you can't do everything. This is why the students here have achieved so much including winning Jiu-Jitsu World Championships (no other Baltimore school has done this), fighting and coaching in the biggest MMA events in across the World, and more.
The clientele is 2/3rds adults and 1/3 kids. You ever notice how most martial arts schools are primarily kids and very few adults? Why? If the program actually worked and was valuable, wouldn't the kids continue doing it as adults? Wouldn't adults want to get involved because the see how effective it is for children? But you don't see that at most places. Crazy 88 provides a proven training system from children to adults, from total beginners to professional athletes. It might not be for dabblers or people who want things without hard work, but if you're serious about getting the BEST training in the area, check out Crazy 88