Please be warned! Before you listen to your insurance company or fake reviews online, do not go here or you may have struggles to try to get them to fix your car. \r
I was rear-ended by a lady going 40mph while was completely stopped. I am pregnant and recently widowed so I prayed the car repair and ER visit would go smoothly. This was not the case because of Service King.\r
When I picked my car up the bumper and hatchback were completely different colors (the back was now an orange/red and the rest of my car is a blood/dark red). I called Ted, the man taking care of my claim from Liberty Mutual at Service King, who began to criticize my car and saying my car is a different color than the bumper (my car came first, not the bumper, so my car is the right color obviously). The manager, Sam, called me and said they would fix my car.\r
The next morning I drove my car back to the shop (stopping 3 separate times to throw up on the side of the road since I m pregnant) and waited 3 hours for another rental car at enterprise.\r
When the manager finally looked at my car he called me while I was at work and quickly made is the meanest phone call I have experienced with a business. He raised his voice at me and said they painted my car the default color and my car is the problem. I told him calmly I just wanted them to match the color to my car (which is what every painting place does). He told me he is going to paint the car the WRONG color and raised his voice again.\r
Liberty Mutual called me the next day and said the car is going to be fixed (I am so worried for them to still be working on my car and I hope the paint matches this time because I don t know how much more I can handle with Service King being so rude. My Husband passed away, so I do not have him to defend me...)