BEWARE AT&T Bellsouth workers.\r
This group target AT&T workers. 35 years at AT&T and in less that one year 40% of pension, 401-k and lump sum gone. I kept asking if we could put money in CD's or something safe they keep telling me it will come back instead of doing something else. Now they want me to lower monthly amount I am taking out. If I would have taken the pension at least I would not worry all the time that I will run out of money which it looks like I will. Even though they have lost a lot of money they still take out money out of my account regardless of how it performs. Take my advise and keep your money in the interest income fund in 401-k. These guys don't know what they are doing and kept telling me I was in bonds which I found out was just a plain lie. I took what is left and put it into CD's. DON'T TRUST THESE GUYS.