Large Enough To Fill Your Needs But Small Enough To Care - A Division of Courtesy Auto Sales
We offer a wide variety of auto repair and maintenance services for your vehicle. Our trusted and trained technicians have years of experience so you can be rest assured that your vehicle will be fixed right the first time. Whether you need standard maintenance or specialized work on bearings or electrical, Courtesy Auto Service is here for you. Our service department has the lowest labor rate in the area and we keep it that way so our customers can afford to maintain their vehicles. Don't forget to view our specials and bring the coupon with you when you come in for your service appointment!Open to the Public Modern, State-of-the-Art Facility Serving Hampton Roads for 30 yearsVirginia State Inspection Station. Our Specialties Include:* A/C and Heating * All Fluid Changes * Belts * Brakes Shocks * Electrical * Fleet Maintenance* Shocks * Steering * Suspension Struts * Timing Belts * Tires * Tune Ups * Wheel Balancing * Wheel Bearings * Window and Door Locks