i am a vitim of internet scam while i was on dating service Singlesnet.com the person of whom i was talking to is Becker Anderson...he was using the e/m addess of becker.anderson@yahoo.com... is now using sray112@yahoo.com the sray part is my beginning of my e/m address...this person is in Lagos..Nigeria..i have alot of info on him with numbers and has also talked to 2 friends of mine via IM..one of them with the becker.anderson and the other with the sray112.. he and i talked for 5 months and also has personal info on me.. but i have gone and done fraud alerts the same day that i gave him my personal info..but he is still using my name on the internet..Yahoo.com was send an IM by me and my friend and also a person by the name of Fred Peters...u can contact me by my e/m @ sraypalace@yahoo.com...Please resond to what i need to do further on this matter..Would appreciate any and all that can be done...