This restaurant is BY FAR the best in Odessa. The buffet is a must if you go. They have fried chicken, mashed potatos with thick, satisfying gravy, hot rolls, green beans, just plain GOOD GOOD GOOD. I love that place, we always go in there. It's a great family place. In the front they have a little store with knicknacks and what have ya. The bakery in there has the BEST iced sugar cookies I've ever put in my mouth. The theme is country stuff, so all the waitress wear flowery dresses and aprons, and they place countryish music over the radio. The only bad thing is thats its closed on sundays because they have a church service in the back or something. People say how its called "cultryside" because theres rumors that the employees are members of a cult. dead serious, ask any odessan. But whatever, it has good food so who cares?!