Unfortunately, these con artists had the only locatable vehicle that I wanted ... and I should have know better. The salesman lied to me within the first 3 minutes of meeting him, which I caught him in that one. The very first question I asked was addressed with a lie. I should have walked then. The vehicle was all shined up and waiting for me upon arrival, which is hard to keep on a snowy weekend. Now, after I've washed the car numerous times (trying to keep it looking nice) it has revealed that the paint (or lack there of) was no more than an elaborate, pricey buff job. Along with that there was the fact that the rear defrost was broken (hard to test if it's not fogged during the test drive). It has a coolant leak. The kicker, when the fact that the headlights needed replaced, the instrument cluster had cosmetic damage, and the nose had some make-shift repair done (as well as some existing damage) were brought up while requesting a price reduction to compensate for the repairs .... they removed any/all warrantees. Who does that? They even tried to act like they never heard of the Lemon Law. Nice Cars (you may get lucky), No Games (Bull Sh1t) INSPECT THOROUGHLY!! (even thirdparty-ly)
Pros: Good liars
Cons: I hate liars