Best Smoked 1/2lb burger, chips and 16oz drink for $5 and a 2 1/5 burger, fries and a 16oz drink for $15 or free if you eat it all in 30 minutes. And a new loaded burger coming soon! Plus oysters, wine, beer, jerky, 2 foot long peperroni for $1, soups, all beef chilli with 9"" dog, salmon chowder to die for, penini sandwiches, homemade cinnamon rolls, homemade wiener-wraps (just like the ol' school lunch!), biscuits and gravy (homemade biscuits, yum...), breakfast buritos and sandwiches and the best pizza. Get a tank of gas while your'e there. Don't blink and miss this place!
Pros: Best cook m-f, 5:30-2, Outstanding value, Clean as a whistle
Cons: Blink and you miss it