I took my 4 year old dog to get groomed at Country Kennels recently. The ""drop off"" time is between 8am and 9am, unless you have special circumstances, which they seem to work around. I dropped my dog off at 8am and he was taken to the back by a very nice woman at the front desk. I was informed by this woman that I could pick my dog up after 4pm. During the day I received a voicemail from the groomer at Country Kennel. The main groomer on the Country Kennel website left the voicemail that stated she tried to clip my dog and my dog wouldn't let her go near him, so she tried to bathe him and then clip him, and he still would not let her near him at all. The groomer stated on the voicemail that they would be charging me for a bath only and that she rescheduled me for a groom with a different groomer for later in the week, and that I could pick my dog up after 3pm.....
In four years my dog has been groomed many times by a few different groomers in two separate cities- never having a problem.
I was informed by two separate employees two different times that I was able to pick my dog up- one said 4pm and one said 3pm.
.....I picked up my dog at 3pm and paid for the bath only, since the groomer stated on the voicemail that was all she could do. I paid in cash since they only take cash or checks, and even gave the front desk woman a tip for the groomer. The front desk woman went into the back to get my dog, and upon returning my dog to me, the front desk woman stated that it looks like the groomer clipped a bit off the back but that it blends right in. Upon further inspection, I saw that my dogs entire back was completely shaved down, leaving the rest of his hair all over his body at full length (about 3 inches long)- it looked like an inverted Mohawk!
Not only was I told that the groomer did not clip my dog, but this did not blend in at all- AND I had already paid.
After calling Country Kennels and trying to speak with the owner to figure out what happened, I was informed that the owner would call me back by the end of the week. Roughly two weeks later, the owner called back and informed us that the groomer is a sub-contractor with Country Kennel, and that she (the owner) would not do anything to make right by the situation since it was the groomers fault and not Country Kennel. I was never informed that my dog was being groomed by a sub-contractor. In-fact, on the Country Kennel website the groomer who groomed by dog is shown as part of Country Kennel, not as a sub-contractor.
It was a very bad experience for both me and my dog.